
The Northwest school


Today we have spent our first day at the Northwest school. This school is amazing! There are a lot of difference with our school. Here the value pupils /teachers are amical, we call the teacher by his name, who is not possible to do that in France. Moreover, at the Northwest it’s allowed to eat, drink, used our phone (limited) or computer in class. Furthermore, the timetable are differences. At high school, we start class at 8:10am and finished at 3:30pm max. it’s very beneficial to finish at this time because it allows us to take the time to go home or to do sports after classes. This first day has been rather tiring because we tried to concentrate for understand what teachers said. At the northwest there is no ringing which mean that each student goes to class by monitoring the time. The classes aren’t the same, for example, we have had a salsa class. This class is very funny, we have started by muscle building then by dance (it’s very technic).


Ishaq and Ambrine


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