
Cross-country Portland

Two weeks have already passed. Time passes so quickly here. This weekend we went to Portland which is a city south of Seattle in the state of Oregon. We left for two days with the cross-country team to participate in a race. The evening of the cross we all went to eat in Food Trucks. It was atypical. On Saturday, the day of the race, we could notice that there were many runners from different states (about 5,000 people). We arrived at the place at 8.30am. There were different races for each person which varied from 3 to 5km. We both ran. All teams encouraged their teammates which created a great atmosphere. It was very fun! 


Ishaq and Ambrine

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  • #1

    OLIVIER ESNAULT (jeudi, 31 octobre 2019 21:55)

    Bravo les champions. Fier de vos résultats sportifs. Vous representez votre lycee de la meilleure des façons.